

Traveling through remote areas of West Virginia, this documentary film follows the story of a 22- year old woman who committed suicide in 1981 in an isolation cell at the State Prison for Women. The film was combined with an installation, „Pence Springs Resort“, a life-size three-dimensional photographic rendering of the isolation cell which the viewers could physically enter.


1999 stellte Roloff seinen ersten Dokumentarfilm, Seeds, fertig. Für den Film recherchierte er die Geschichte einer 22-jährigen Amerikanerin, die 1981 in der Isolationszelle des Frauengefängnisses von West Virginia Selbstmord begannen hatte.




Title: Seeds
Director: Stefan Roloff
Year: 1998
Genre: Documentary
Executive Producers:
Stefan Roloff, Audra Allen
Editor: Rebecca Runze
Music: Peter Gordon
Format: Digi Beta
Length: 55 min.